You’ve decided you want to give email marketing a shot. Great!…But now what?

Here’s the thing, organic reach on social media has plummeted. Did you know that only one out of 19 of your followers will actually see a published post organically? Luckily, there are other marketing alternatives to explore.

Enter, email marketing! Research shows that email marketing can be up to 40x more effective – if you can get it right! Here are our dos and don’ts for improving your email marketing strategy:

Do add data.

People love facts. If you have any specific data, use it! Ask yourself: is there a piece of information that your audience will learn from, a figure they would be surprised to hear or a statistic that highlights the importance of your product or service? These are great to share with your customers. You can even include your data in your email subject lines and headers to increase your open rate.

Do play around with timing.

Just because you sent an email on a Monday at 8am, it doesn’t mean you have to stick to that same schedule the following week. One of the benefits of email marketing is sending emails when it suits you best and playing around to discover what timings work best for your readers. So, go ahead, have fun and see what works best for you (and your audience).

Do use emojis.

Research shows that adding an emoji to your emails’ subject lines can increase the open rate by a whopping 56%! Luckily, there are thousands of emojis to choose from, so get familiar, add them to your subject lines and (hopefully) your emails will be more successful.

Don’t say too much.

Emails don’t need to be lengthy to be effective. A few lines that get straight to the point, tell your customers what they need to know and where they need to go, should be enough.

Don’t forget mobile users.

Nowadays, most people access their emails directly from their phones. With this in mind, we recommend ensuring your email campaigns are optimised for mobile use. The good news is that most email platforms can help you do this in an easy and straightforward way.

Don’t use email marketing alone.

When marketing a campaign, you should always promote and share your content on a variety of platforms in addition to email marketing. Think about what your wider marketing goals are and consider the platforms that can help you achieve them. Then, get creative!

We hope you’ve found our email marketing tips useful. If you have any questions, go ahead and post them below. We’d love to help you and your business!

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